Wednesday, August 10, 2011


On Friday night we lucked out getting into Chateaubriand. It was jammed as per the previous night, but as promised, if we came at 9:30 we'd be able to get at table during their second seating. We had two glasses of the rosé bubbly and waited outside with others eager for a table.

Start to finish Chateaubriand did not disappoint. It was a fun Friday night atmosphere in the small space... The only menu they serve is the prix fixe, and it began with 4 amuse bouches : 1. delectable mini warm, soft, homemade cheese biscuits 2. ceviche shooters of cod with a citrus (lime and grapefruit) juice, and 3. deep fried sardines of some sort with a sweet paprika dusting. 4. chilled, tart and salty fresh tomato gazpacho - more like a fresh tomato salad in a soup. We were very amused, 4 times! The appetizer was tuna with sautéed mushrooms and chips, topped with something shaved on top...(more mushrooms, or nuts of some sort?).

Ceviche shooters of cod with lime and grapefruit juice

Deep fried sardines with a sweet paprika dusting

Chilled, tart and salty fresh tomato gazpacho

Next was a mild fish, Barbue (Brill in English, native to the Atlantic), with carrots and a pork jus infused sauce....mmm. The main was a barely cooked veal, smothered in a fresh pesto of greens, and then topped with more morning glory greens and garnished with two large blanched fresh almonds. Dessert came in two parts - a watermelon and basil juicy delight, and an apricot, cream and honey dessert. Finally the cheese plate included the most creamy and salty blue cheese we've ever had. We enjoyed every bit of the meal with a Beaujolais recommeded by our server. The label was non-descript simply reading Appellation Chiroubles, and it was amazing.

Barbue with carrots and pork jus

Plated Barbue in the kitchen

Veal with pesto of greens and morning glory.

By the end of the night more regulars showed up and the servers were free-pouring them Pastis and other anise flavoured and green looking drinks. We enjoyed a small glass and got a few recommendations from the staff on where to go next.

We stopped at Barbershop just a couple blocks down for a drink to find a colourful and mostly cut crowd. A couple at the bar made out, while a mixed bag of foreigners and locals attempted conversation over cigarettes outside.

We finished our drinks and headed home, but en route walked by Nouveau Casino and for the 5 euro cover we couldn't resist checking it out as it was on the list of recos from our server and one of our guide books. Inside we were greeted by pumping funky euro dance beats and a wild crowd. After our two pre-dinner drinks, bottle of wine and bevvies at Barbershop we were still the most sober in the place. To be fair it was 2am at this point, and the kids inside had been getting their drink on all night. We sardined ourselves into the place and pickled ourselves in sweat on the dance floor. We walked home in hopes of finding late night food, but were too impatient and tired to wait in the 20 minute creperie lineups so we passed on more food.

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